Anja Slomma, visual artist, published author, exhibited art photographer and eventmanager.

"Anja Slomma crosses the lines between fine art, narrative, visual poetry, and portraiture. Her images are illustrating a lot of ideas to do with issues of identity, the human experience and the expression of that experience. Her photos are alluring stories of the body and mind. The lighting, expressiveness, and performances in her photos add a sense of dream-like environments and emotional depth."


Anja Slomma, visual artist, published author, exhibited art photographer and eventmanager.

Born in Hamburg 1973. She has lived and worked in Berlin since the early 1990s. After gaining experience in various industries such as fashion, culture and a career as an event manager in the cultural sector in Berlin, she studied fine arts and design with a focus on painting and stage design under Andre Krioukov.

Her own search for the right path motivated Anja Slomma to spend the last 20 years researching art, culture, spirituality, psychology and self - development. An initially rocky road in the 1090s ultimately laid the foundation for her own path of healing.


In cooperation with Nelja Stump, Anja Slomma founds the non-profit organization THE ART TO BE to promote creativity and sustainability as a lifestyle.


Field Research in Greece, Italy and Spain to find the right place for the present vision – a place to live, besides the big cities. A place to offer artist residencies, workshops and more. Anja Slomma travels to Greece with Nelja Stump, the start of the project The house to be is laid.


The talent to have a holistic view of the world and the ability to mirror that is evident in the photographic work "SHOWGIRLS WITHOUT SHOW" exhibited worldwide as in the published children's book novel series
"LILLYS & LOTTAS FANTASTISCHE ABENTEUER" , which reads like a fantastic guide to life.

2001- 2024 and ongoing

The path of spiritual development and inner work brought many experiences and encounters with healers of ancient knowledge and a variety of alternative healing methods, energy and plant healing. Another piece of the puzzle in her vita that Anja Slomma is keen to pass on. The planning of the project on the documentation of the modern medicine woman led to the intention to make this type of healing accessible to more people and to convey a holistic lifestyle as natural. The motivation to constantly rediscover herself, try out new things and develop herself further is just as characteristic as her passion for stories. Her devotion to all things mystical, her mediumistic senses and her above-average intuition and sensitivity are important for her work, as is her fascinating gift for recognizing the thinnest threads and connecting them.

Her activities over the past few years seem complex and yet the development can be seen as a red threat.

The photographic work shows a series of portraits on a documentary basis. An aesthetically heightened staging during the pandemic in Berlin in 2020-2022. 

Part of the series "SHOWGIRLS WITHOUT SHOW" has been already exhibited in Miami & Los Angeles as well as Zurich and Mallorca.


At the same time, Anja Slomma published the first 3 books of the 5-part children's novel series

The books are available in bookshops in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as the usual online marketplaces.