2024 I Concept The Art to be.org – collaboration w/ NeljaStump

2024 I Juli - #dubistamzug - Kunst im öffentlichen Raum - Wall

2024 I June - TOKYO - Groupshow - ARTnumber23

2023 I October - Groupshow ATHEN- Andi Art Gallery

2023 I August - Bookstore Stark - Berlin - Reading Lilly&Lotta

2023 I July - Cafe Blaumond - Workshop with FoxicPoison Burlesque

2023 I May - Finity Gallery - Groupshow, BERLIN

2023 I April - Lillys & Lottas fantastic adventures book fair LEIPZIG

2023 I April - NEW YORK - 345 Broome Street New York 10013 USA 2023 I January/16- feb/15 - ART LAB. LOS ANGELES, Abbot Kinney

2022 I December -Lillys&Lottasfantasticadventures at BOD

2022 I December - Groupshow - Lelije Gallerij AMSTERDAM

2022 I November - MIAMI ARTweeks – Groupshow

2022 I Casa del Artes - MALLORCA Groupshow

2022 I SwissARTExpo 4.0 ZURICH - Group exhibition art fair

2022 I #DubistamZug - Poster design Berlin bus stops

2022 I Book publication- BoD Verlag Hamburg - Lilly+Lotta

2021 I making of ... "showgirls without show“

2021 I Interview in Berliner-Fotografen.com

2020 I making of ... "Lilly and Lotta's fantastic adventures 4“

2020 I "Lilly and Lotta's fantastic adventures" on Katerradio I Holzmarkt / Lockdown diary

2019 I Reading "Lilly and Lotta's fantastic adventures 1" I Holzmarkt - Christmas market

2019 I Reading "Lilly and Lotta's fantastic adventures" I Cafe Blaumond

2019 I Reading "Lilly and Lotta's Adventures" for the Day of Reading Aloud / Primary School in Hofgarten

2019 I Publication I Lillys & Lotta's fantastic adventures 1

2019 I Exhibition WIDERKUNST @HOLZMARKT Berlin I

2018 I Publication Guest Author - "On the Happiness of Chance" by Paulina Tsvetanova

2018 I Image Shooting I Flagshipstore

2018 I Exhibition Photography solo show @ Nelja Wilde Gallery

2018 I Live painting workshop WindNode / Nelson Mandela School

2017 I Fashion Design I Wake-up-love

2016 I Being Connected I Gatow I Installation, Garden of Religions

2016 I Exhibition Willner Brewery I "gratitude" I Installation

2015 I "in flux" I Gatow I Installation, Garden of Religions

2013 I Live Painting Future dialog Siemens incentive

2013 I Social sculpture / installation in cooperation with Anna Adam- House of Religions Gatow I I

2013 I illustration video crowdfunding / aquaponing at Holzmarkt I


photography & art .

AXKUMBRAND. Hairdresser Kaiserschnitt . Cafe Blaumond . Adi Amati . Flagshipstore . Claudia Eisinger . NanakikaART . Windnode . Getty Images . MirrorMusic . NeljaWildeGallery . Nicolas Bamberger . Inga Königstadt .

Boom Photographer Agency . Siemens …


The luck of chance. Lilly & Lotta's fantastic adventures.

events .

Red Bull . X-Film . Berlinale . Holzmarkt EG . Siemens . Vöslauer Mineral Water . Tiger Beer . Bar25 . Rotes Rathaus . Casino Berlin . Katerholzig . Sage Club ...